Buying Bitcoin

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Nowadays, buying Bitcoin is very easy and fast. Here is an overview of the providers. My personal favorite is Bitvavo, as it is often the cheapest and has a very user-friendly platform. When you sign up through my link you get 1000 euro trading without fees. This again is a nice bonus of course.

List of companies selling Bitcoin & other cryptocurrency directly through iDEAL.

    1. BITVAVO
    2. BITONIC
    5. SATOS
    6. LITEBIT

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Buying Bitcoin in a few steps

With Bitcoin (BTC) often rising rapidly in value, more and more people are getting interested in buying the largest digital currency. On this page I will show you how to easily buy Bitcoin. If you click on the word Bitcoin you will get the explanation.

How do I buy bitcoin?

Follow our guide to buying Bitcoin in four steps:

  1. Sign up with a broker. Above are 8 of which my personal favorite is Bitvavo.
  2. Perform the requested verifications for your email address, phone number, bank account number and possibly your identity (not always required).
  3. Deposit euros into your account via iDEAL or SEPA bank transfer.
  4. Purchase Bitcoin with that easily (with no fee if you sign up through my link).

Bitcoin is automatically stored in your personal wallet on Bitvavo. Not all exchange offices I've put down have built-in wallets. In that case, you have to provide a wallet address of your own. Once purchased through the portal, you can decide what to do with your BTC. You can send them to an in-house wallet (a hardware wallet) or exchange them to other cryptocurrencies (more on this in the crypto manual). At a certain target profit, you can also easily exchange back to euros on Bitvavo.

What should you consider when buying Bitcoin?

It is important to determine in advance how much money you want to invest in Bitcoin. Investments in cryptocurrency are considered risky investments because they can be quite volatile. Therefore, it is important to invest with money that you do not need immediately for other things. You can buy Bitcoin as little as 10 euros from some brokers so it doesn't have to be with big money. The right time to get in can be difficult to determine so it is sometimes good to do it in phases such as a little bit every week. 

In the Netherlands we have many reliable parties, but as a beginner it might be difficult to have to work with your own wallet right away. For larger amounts, I do recommend storing the crypto on hardware wallets such as a Ledger or Trezor, for example.

How take into account the following things if going to invest:

  • Prices are very volatile and can sometimes vary as much as 20% in a day. With this, you can win and lose.
  • Generally, you have to go through KYC (know your costumer) verification and this can sometimes take some time. So create an account in advance and then you can always choose a time later when you want to purchase. Then the verification is fixed.
  • Some brokers require you to have your own wallet (hardware or software), but Bitvavo does not.
  • Once the euros are in your account, you can immediately exchange them for Bitcoin and 51 other coins.

Bitcoin price quotes from famous names in the crypto world

No one knows exactly what the Bitcoin rate is going to do, but since there are always a lot of questions about the rate, we have compiled a list of quotes from famous names in the crypto world. 

  • Michael Novogratz predicts $20,000 by the end of 2019.
  • Sonny Singh predicts $20 000 by the end of 2019.
  • Sam Doctor and Tom Lee predict $36 000 at the end of 2019.
  • Bobby Lee predicts $60 000 per BTC over the next few years.
  • James Richman predicts $47 000 by the end of the year 2020.
  • John McAfee predicts $1 million by the end of the year 2020. If not, he will eat his genitals, on live television.
  • Elon Musk is very positive and bullish about Bitcoin.
  • Jack Dorsey is totally pro Bitcoin and has his company square through which he sells Bitcoin. 

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Is Bitcoin anonymous?

Because the Blockchain is publicly visible to everyone, bitcoin is not very anonymous. You don't have to know the recipient or provide a name as you would with a regular bank transfer.... In that respect, you can anonymously transfer bitcoin to a bitcoin wallet address based on pseudonym usage. The transaction itself is completely public and viewable by anyone. Every transaction is recorded and you can view all transactions if you have the bitcoin address. It is possible to use many different addresses and never make a transaction with the same wallet, but then the trail is still fully traceable to, say, the first transaction. Bitcoin can be used anonymously if you are smart about it and have obtained Bitcoins in a non-retraceable way. If you want to buy bitcoins now, you often go through a broker or an exchange where you have to validate and verify yourself. As a result, transactions from the broker or exchange are always traceable to your specified information. These institutions log not only your data, but also your IP address and other technical matters. So don't think you are anonymous when you send Bitcoins.

How is the Bitcoin price determined?

The price is determined by supply and demand for Bitcoin. In addition, scarcity plays a big role because there will be another halving in 2020 where the mining reward will be halved. This in turn will cause even less supply of new bitcoins making the supply even scarcer. 


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